French International Fellowship
French is an official language in 29 countries, and every year more than five French-speaking Congolese families move into the greater Grand Rapids area. The French International service was led by Pastor Leon Budibuende for more than six years here in Grand Rapids. The Congolese residents of Grand Rapids met in the pastor’s living room to worship together in their native languages of French, Lingala and Swahili. Now at Immanuel, the French service continues to bring people together in worship of the living and Triune God in spirit and in truth.
In an effort to build community in Christ, we welcome everyone to join us in worshiping the King of kings with songs and hymns, with praise and dance, with tambourines and instruments (Psalm 81:2). As is customary in Congolese culture, we approach the Lord in celebration, for He deserves the glory, but also with high reverence for He is mighty. As always, Jesus Christ is at the center of this gathering. Although the French service is different from the traditional and contemporary English services in the morning, we still hold true to the Lutheran doctrine. Our beliefs are simply expressed in other ways.
The FIF gathers at 3pm in the Learning Center, located in the Lower Level of Immanuel. Park in the South lot (off Division St.) and enter through the West Entrance.
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