Here at Immanuel, we believe that worship is more than what we do on a Sunday morning with fellow believers—it’s a lifestyle. We want people to know that everything they do in life can be an act of worship. What we do is second to who we do it for. Scripture says, “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all to the glory of God” ( Col 3:23). And this is what we believe and want to do here. One of the ways you can worship with your whole life is by giving of your time, talents, and treasure back to God. The worship ministry is a great place to do that. We offer two styles of worship services, which each provide many musical opportunities for you to plug in. Our traditional service has “Immanuel Singers” (adult choir) “Immanuel Ringers (Bell choir), plus occasional solos, duets, and small groups. Our contemporary service has several different worship bands made up of drums, bass, acoustic guitar, electric guitar and several vocalists, along with other instruments at various times. Check out more information about each group below!
Immanuel Singers
From Homilius to Paris, Bach, Crouch, Rutter, Paulus, quiet to loud, solemn to jubilant, a cappella or with accompaniment, we sing it all! Our job is to make music to our Lord and Savior. We are fortunate enough to be able to do that twice a week: first at our rehearsal and then at Sunday worship. Immanuel Singers sing at Sunday worship about twice a month and at many special services such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. We have and will participate in mass choirs for Reformation and Hymnfests and other possible opportunities yet unknown.
Immanuel Singers is a diverse group that shares a common calling in God’s kingdom at Immanuel. We include high school students, retirees, singles, moms, dads, grandparents, people from many businesses and schools. Our lives intersect in the choir loft. After each rehearsal, we have a time of prayer where we bring ourselves together to the throne of God.
Our singing season is from September through May. We also rehearse/sing three times during summer worship.
Rehearsal Time: Thursdays - 7-8:30 PM September through May
Where: Immanuel’s Sanctuary balcony
You do not need to be a member of Immanuel to join us.
Any questions can be directed to Leslie Hess, Director. -
Handbell Choirs
Immanuel has 2 handbell choirs that ring up to 4 octaves of hand bells and 4 octaves of hand chimes.
The Immanuel Ringers is the adult handbell choir that rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00. High school students are also welcome to join this group. Prior hand bell ringing experience and ability to read music is helpful but not required. This choir rings approximately once a month on their own and often joins with the Immanuel Singers on choral anthems. Opportunities are also available for small group ensemble ringing.
The ABC Handbell Choir is a group open to all ages. Basic ringing techniques are taught as well as basic note names and values. Like the Immanuel Ringers, prior experience is helpful, but certainly not necessary. This group currently rehearses Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM and rings approximately 4 times a year. New members are always welcome. -
Worship Team
These teams alternate on a 6 week schedule and are always looking for new additions!
All of these groups sign up for a 6 month commitment, after which we re-audition and shuffle groups and schedules around. We encourage you to pray about it and join us!
If you have a heart for our corporate worship and you desire to serve God with your gifts and talents, please feel free to contact our Contemporary Worship Director, Zachary Kolkman. He would love to get you plugged in!
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